Sunday, January 26, 2014

Cat-Poo-Chino Time!

     The moment has come, time to taste the infamous Lewak coffee! One of these cups will cost you about 60,000 rupiah ($5)...hope its worth all the hype. After visiting an ashram his morning to do a sunrise meditation and yoga class, I went on the hunt for Lewak coffee. I eventually found a place down the road from where I am staying that will sell me just one cup. I stopped at one other place but they would only sell me a whole pot which would cost me about $20! No thanks, one cup is expensive enough. 
     The waitress just brought my cup of Lewak coffee and it is much smaller than I expected, although the presentation is just adorable. A expresso cup with a stick of cinnamon, a tiny chocolate chip cookie, and a little bit of coconut cream on the side. Pinkies up ladies and gentleblokes! And the verdict tastes like a nice dark roast, with a hint of coconut (you can can cream instead). Well honestly its an expensive cup of coffee that tastes like, coffee. I am glad I tried it but I do not see myself seeking it out again. Now back to my coffee fast. I couldn't pass up the chance to have primer "crap coffee" from Bali though! Now I feel fulfilled, I can leave Bali in peace. :) 

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